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South View Primary

School Hours and Drop off/Collection Information

The School Office is open from 08:30am - 15:30pm Monday to Friday.

All visitors should report here where they will be asked to read our Safeguarding Guide and be asked to sign in.

  2023-2024 Sept 2024 onwards  
School Day 8.55 a.m. – 3.00 p.m
8.55 a.m. – 3.10 p.m
8.55 a.m. – 3.15 p.m
8.45 a.m. – 3.00 p.m
8.45 a.m. – 3.15 p.m
8.45 a.m. – 3.15 p.m
Morning Break 10.45 a.m. – 11.05 a.m
10.50 a.m. – 11.05 a.m
10.45 a.m. – 11.05 a.m
10.50 a.m. – 11.05 a.m
KS1 & Foundation
Lunch 12.00 noon – 1.00 p.m
12.05 p.m. – 1.00 p.m
12.00 noon – 1.00 p.m
12.05 p.m. – 1.00 p.m
KS1 & Foundation


Class Assemblies - The dates of these can be found in the school calendar, and you will receive a ParentMail invite one week prior.

Thursday on a rota: 9 - 9:30

Achievement Assemblies - You will be invited via ParentMail on the day prior if your child has won a Headteachers Award. 

Friday: 9 - 9:25

Arrangements for the beginning and end of the school day

Bringing your child to school

The gates to the school are opened at 8.40am each morning, school starts at 8.45am. EYFS and KS1 pupils enter through the KS1 playground gates and KS2 enter through the KS2 playground gates. 

Members of staff are always there to greet you.

Collecting your child at the end of the school day

Foundation Stage

Class teachers will bring pupils into the gated part of the playground, outside the classroom doors. Children will join the person collecting them from there. Collection is at 3pm.


Pupils will be brought to the KS1 playground at the end of the school day. The gates to the right of the school building should be used by parents and I would kindly ask that parents stand back so that children can more easily see the person collecting them. Collection is at 3.15pm


Pupils will be brought to the KS2 playground at the end of the school day. The gates to the left of the school building should be used by parents and I would kindly ask that parents stand back so that children can more easily see the person collecting them. Collection is at 3.15pm

We would also like to remind parents that children are their carers’ responsibility once they have been handed over at the end of the day. Please be mindful of the fact that there is a large field next to the KS2 playground and children of all ages should be supervised carefully. 

Buggies and pushchairs

We kindly ask you to leave any buggies outside when you come in to school. Due to the growing number of buggies and the overcrowding they cause, we sadly cannot accommodate them in the school building. You will be asked to leave these in reception. 

Bikes and scooters

Bike racks are situated to the left of the school building.

The school expects that all pupils from Foundation to Year 4 will be accompanied to school. You may leave bikes and scooters at school at your own risk. 

Please ensure that all cycles/scooters are locked as the school cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage.

There are no dogs allowed on any part of the school site at any time; this includes the grass and bay area in front of the school wall.

Traffic and parking

We hope you will work in partnership with the school to ensure that the start and end of the school day are as safe as possible for our children. The traffic warden will not hesitate to issue a parking ticket. The school safety zone needs to be adhered to at the specified times. We would encourage as many of you as possible to either walk or park and walk. We do understand that many parents work, but ask that you to try to plan your journey to and from school allowing you to adhere to this policy.