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Maths Curriculum

‘Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.’ Albert Einstein

Maths Intent

At South View Community Primary School our mathematics curriculum is designed and taught to ensure –

  • All learners are successful mathematicians.
      • We believe everyone can be a successful mathematician.
      • Mistakes and misconceptions help us all learn.
      • Effort is recognised and praised.
      • Early success helps us all achieve.
      • Resilient, independent and motivated learners are what we aspire to.
  • Successful mathematicians make connections.
      • Connections are explicitly taught and shared.
      • Models and representations are used to support understanding.
      • Exploring the underlying structure of our number system ensures depth of understanding.
  • Knowing key facts allows efficient problem-solving.
      • Recalling key facts regularly helps us feel free up working memory to solve increasingly complex problems.
      • We apply known facts in a variety of contexts.
      • Discussing, sharing and using mathematical vocabulary helps us efficiently describe and extend our learning.


Maths Implementation

We use a mastery approach to the teaching of mathematics.  We use the White Rose Scheme of Work.

   White Rose Maths - A guide for parents about White Rose Maths Scheme of Learning.


  • Lessons are broken down into small connected steps, this provides access for all children and ensures a deep understanding of new concepts.
  • We consider how we provide variation in our teaching to make connections in mayhems and draw attention to mathematical relationships and structure.
    • Procedural variation – choosing our questions careful to show the structure of our number system/relationships between mathematics. What’s the same? What’s different?
    • Conceptual variation – choosing our representations/resources and images carefully to show what the concept is - and what it isn’t.
  • We explicitly teach fluency. Aiming for our children to be quick, efficient and flexible.  The best mathematicians look for the easiest maths.
  • We aim to ensure all our children, regardless of their starting points, develop a deep understanding.  We ensure we explicitly make connections, give opportunities for children to apply learning in different contexts, teach children how to reason and explain by using stem sentences and mathematical vocabulary precisely.

Maths Impact

The impact of our maths curriculum and our mastery approach to teaching maths ensures that once a mathematical concept or skill has been mastered then our children can show their understanding in multiple ways, using mathematical language to explain their ideas, and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations. 

Our children will -

  • Demonstrate quick recall of facts and procedures.   
  • Use flexibility and fluidity to move between different contexts and representations.
  • Recognise relationships and make connections in mathematics.
  • Believing that they are good mathematicians and have the resilience and perseverance to tackle complex problems.
  • Show a high level of pride in their work.