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At South View Community Primary School our aims in teaching handwriting are that the pupils will: 

  • Achieve a neat, legible style with correctly formed letters in accordance with the cursive font. 
  • Develop flow and speed. 
  • Eventually produce the letters automatically and in their independent writing.


Implementation: Our Pedagogy in Handwriting

At South View Primary School, a high standard of presentation is modelled, encouraged and expected. We want all children to take pride in the presentation of their work. Handwriting skills are taught regularly and systematically using the Letter-join programme as the basis of our handwriting policy that covers all the requirements of the 2014 National Curriculum.

Children at Key Stage 2 are aware that they need to balance speed and neatness to achieve a writing style appropriate to a task. In school, teachers and teaching assistants model the joined cursive style at all times: when writing on the board, marking books or on displays. Children are taught how to sit correctly at a table when writing and how to hold a pencil correctly.



The impact of using the Letter-join handwriting resources will be seen across the school with an increase in the profile of handwriting. Following the scheme, will give our school a consistent approach where handwriting expectations are clear and the same technical vocabulary is used with, and spoken by, all teaching staff and learners.

Handwriting lessons should not feel like a chore for teachers and pupils and should encourage a sense of pride in pupils’ written work. Our children’s handwriting will become automatic and to a high standard so that they are able to focus on the content of their writing rather than the presentation. The impact of the scheme should be noticeable within written work in all areas of the curriculum.